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CSS3 skew() method

This article is a small snippet about the skew() method with few examples.

skew() method:

which is used for tilting or skewing the elements and this method is used with the help of CSS3 transform property.

  1. skew() method tilts or skews the elements in two directions along x-axis and y-axis. and we can tilt the elements in both positive and negative direction.
  2. transform: skew(); the values passed inside the skew() method should be in degrees.
  3. Syntax for skew x-axis and skew y-axis methods
    x-axis — transform: skewX(30deg);
    y-axis — transform: skewY(30deg);
  4. General syntax — transform: skew(10deg , 5deg);
    first value represents x value
    second value represents y value

examples for skew x-axis method:

See here I’m going to tilt the element in a positive x-axis direction. whenever you have a block and you want to tilt it in the positive x-axis direction.
transform: skewX(30deg); Position x value

transform: skewX(-30deg); Negative x value

examples for skew y-axis method:

See here I’m going to tilt the element in a positive y-axis direction. when ever you have a block and you want to tilt it in the positive y-axis direction.
transform: skewY(30deg); Position y value

transform: skewY(-30deg); Negative Y value

example for a general skew method:

here I’m going to tilt the element in both directions.
transform: skew(20deg , 20deg); first value represents x value and second value represents y value.

transform: skew(20deg);
Look at the above syntax, it has only one value. now it considers the given value as x value and y value as zero by default.

Final notes…
skew method is one of the methods which can be used with CSS3 transform property, there are many other CSS3 methods(translate(),rotate(),scale()) which can be used with transform property.

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