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Ultimate Guide: Build A Mobile E-commerce App With React Native And Medusa.js

Looking to build a mobile app with Medusa.js? This comprehensive guide walks you through creating a React Native Medusa mobile app from scratch. Whether you’re starting a new project or looking for a React Native starter Medusa template, you’ll learn how to build a production-ready mobile e-commerce solution.

What is Medusa?

Medusa is an open-source headless commerce engine that enables developers to create unique and scalable e-commerce experiences. Unlike traditional e-commerce platforms, Medusa offers:

Why React Native?

React Native is a framework for building native mobile applications using React:

Using React Native with Medusa

Combining React Native and Medusa.js creates powerful mobile e-commerce possibilities:

Introducing Medusa Mobile

Medusa Mobile is a complete React Native Medusa starter. It is not just a starter, it comes with 90% of the functionality that you need for a production-ready app.

Features of Medusa Mobile:

Setting up Medusa Backend

Before running the mobile app, you need a Medusa backend. Set it up in a few steps by following the official docs – Install Medusa backend application

Setting up Medusa Mobile

Now let’s set up the React Native Medusa mobile app

📋 Prerequisites

Before you begin, ensure you have:

Step 1: Environment Setup

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone medusa-mobile
cd medusa-mobile
  1. Install dependencies:
npm install
  1. Configure environment variables:
cp .env.template .env

Edit .env with your Medusa backend URL and publishable API key.

NOTE: Update the MEDUSA_BACKEND_URL in your .env file. If you set the URL as localhost, then the Android emulator will not be able to connect to the server. Use your local IP address instead. example: Run ipconfig to get your local IP address.

Step 2: Start Metro Server

npm start

Step 3: Run the Application

For Android:

npm run android

For iOS: Install dependencies for iOS:

npx pod-install ios

Run the application:

npm run ios

📱 Expo Usage

This project uses React Native CLI to ensure maximum flexibility for all developers. However, Expo users are more than welcome! You can easily add Expo support with a single command.

Learn more about migrating to Expo CLI

📁 Project Structure

├── screens/       # Screen components
├── components/    # Reusable UI components
├── data/          # Data context providers
├── styles/        # Theme and style utilities
├── utils/         # Helper functions
└── api/           # API client configuration

📖 Developer Guide

Here’s the documentation for managing the core functionality of the app.

🛒 Cart Management

The cart functionality is provided through the useCart hook, which gives you access to cart operations and state.

Basic Usage

import { useCart } from '@data/cart-context';

function MyComponent() {
  const { 
    cart,                // Current cart state
    addToCart,          // Add items to cart
    updateLineItem,     // Update item quantity
    removeLineItem,     // Remove item from cart
    applyPromoCode,     // Apply discount code
    removePromoCode,    // Remove discount code
    setShippingMethod   // Set shipping option
  } = useCart();

Working with Cart Items

  1. Add a product to the cart:
const { addToCart } = useCart();

// Quantity is required when adding items
await addToCart(variantId, 1); // Add one item
await addToCart(variantId, 3); // Add three items
  1. Update item quantity:
const { updateLineItem } = useCart();

// Update to specific quantity
await updateLineItem(lineItemId, 2);

// Remove item by setting quantity to 0
await updateLineItem(lineItemId, 0);

Managing Promotions

const { applyPromoCode, removePromoCode } = useCart();

// Apply a promotion code
const success = await applyPromoCode('SUMMER2024');

// Remove a promotion code
await removePromoCode('SUMMER2024');

Shipping Methods

const { setShippingMethod } = useCart();

// Set shipping method
await setShippingMethod(shippingMethodId);

Accessing Cart Data

const { cart } = useCart();

// Get cart items
const items = cart.items;

// Get cart totals
const {
} = cart;

// Check applied discounts
const appliedPromotions = cart.promotions;

// Get selected shipping method
const currentShipping = cart.shipping_methods?.[0];

Cart Lifecycle

The cart system handles various states and transitions:

  1. Cart Creation:
const { cart } = useCart();

// Cart is automatically created when needed
// You don't need to explicitly create a cart
  1. Guest to Customer Cart Transfer:
// When a guest user logs in, their existing cart is 
// automatically associated with their customer account
// This is handled by the CartProvider and CustomerProvider

import { useCustomer } from '@data/customer-context';
import { useCart } from '@data/cart-context';

function CheckoutFlow() {
  const { customer } = useCustomer();
  const { cart } = useCart();
  // Cart remains the same, only the customer_id is updated
  1. Cart update on region change:
import { useRegion } from '@data/region-context';
import { useCart } from '@data/cart-context';

function MyComponent() {
  const { region } = useRegion();
  const { cart } = useCart();

  // Cart automatically updates when region changes
  // Product prices will be updated based on the region
  console.log(cart.region_id); // Current region ID
  console.log(cart.currency_code); // Region's currency

🌍 Region Management

The region functionality is provided through the useRegion hook, which handles region selection and persistence.

Basic Usage

import { useRegion } from '@data/region-context';

function MyComponent() {
  const {
    region,             // Current selected region
    setRegion,          // Update region state
  } = useRegion();

Working with Regions

  1. Access current region:
const { region } = useRegion();

// Get region details (if region is loaded)
const {
} = region || {};
  1. Change region:
const { setRegion } = useRegion();

// Fetch region data first
const { region: newRegion } = await;

// Update region
// This will:
// - Persist region selection
// - Update cart region automatically
// - Trigger price recalculations

Region Selection UI

The app provides a built-in region selector modal:

import { useNavigation } from '@react-navigation/native';

function MyComponent() {
  const navigation = useNavigation();
  // Open region selector modal
  const openRegionSelect = () => {

Working with Countries

The app provides a dedicated hook for accessing region countries:

import { useCountries } from '@data/region-context';

function AddressForm() {
  const countries = useCountries();
  // Format countries for picker/selector
  const countryOptions = countries?.map(country => ({
    label: country.display_name,
    value: country.iso_2

Region Persistence

Region selection is automatically persisted using AsyncStorage:

👤 Customer Management

The customer functionality is provided through the useCustomer hook, which handles authentication and customer data management.

Basic Usage

import { useCustomer } from '@data/customer-context';

function MyComponent() {
  const {
    customer,           // Current customer data
    login,             // Login with email/password
    logout,            // Logout current customer
    register,          // Register new customer
    refreshCustomer,   // Refresh customer data
    updateCustomer     // Update customer details
  } = useCustomer();


  1. Login:
const { login } = useCustomer();

try {
  await login(email, password);
  // On successful login:
  // - JWT token is stored in AsyncStorage
  // - Customer data is fetched
  // - Cart is associated with customer
} catch (error) {
  // Handle login error
  1. Register new customer:
const { register } = useCustomer();

try {
  await register(
  // Registration automatically logs in the customer
} catch (error) {
  // Handle registration error
  1. Logout:
const { logout } = useCustomer();

await logout();
// This will:
// - Clear the stored JWT token
// - Reset customer data
// - Reset cart

Managing Customer Data

  1. Access customer information:
import { useLoggedIn } from '@data/hooks';

function MyComponent() {
  const { customer } = useCustomer();
  const isLoggedIn = useLoggedIn();

  // Access customer details
  const {
  } = customer || {};
  1. Update customer details:
const { updateCustomer } = useCustomer();

// Update customer information
await updateCustomer({
  first_name: "John",
  last_name: "Doe",
  phone: "+1234567890"
  1. Refresh customer data:
const { refreshCustomer } = useCustomer();

// Fetch latest customer data from server
await refreshCustomer();

Session Management

The customer session is automatically managed:

🎨 Theme Management

The app includes a flexible theming system with built-in light/dark mode support and multiple color schemes.

Basic Usage

import { useColors, useTheme, useThemeName, useColorScheme } from '@styles/hooks';

function MyComponent() {
  const colors = useColors();          // Get current theme colors
  const themeName = useThemeName();    // Get current theme name
  const { colorScheme } = useColorScheme(); // Get 'light' or 'dark'

  // Access theme colors
  const {
    primary,            // Brand/accent color
    background,         // Main background
    backgroundSecondary,// Secondary/card background
    content,           // Main text color
    contentSecondary   // Secondary text color
  } = colors;

Setting Default Theme

// In app.tsx, set your preferred theme name in ThemeProvider
<ThemeProvider name="default">
  {/* ... other providers */}

Available theme names:

Changing Themes

import { useTheme } from '@styles/hooks';

function ThemeSwitcher() {
  const { setThemeName } = useTheme();
  // Switch to a different theme
  const switchTheme = (name: string) => {
    setThemeName(name); // 'default' | 'vintage' | 'funky' | 'eco'

System Dark Mode

The theme system automatically responds to system dark mode changes through NativeWind’s useColorScheme hook. Each theme includes both light and dark variants that are automatically applied based on the system setting.

Styling Components

The app uses NativeWind (TailwindCSS) for styling. Theme colors are available as Tailwind classes:

function ThemedButton() {
  return (
    <TouchableOpacity className="bg-primary"> // Theme primary color
      <Text className="text-content font-bold"> // Theme content color
        Click Me

🪝 Useful Hooks

The app provides additional hooks for common functionality:

import { 
} from '@data/hooks';

// Get quantity of a specific product in cart
const quantity = useProductQuantity(productId);

// Get quantity of a specific variant in cart
const variantQuantity = useVariantQuantity(variantId);

// Get total number of
const cartQuantity = useCartQuantity();

// Get current checkout step
const checkoutStep = useCurrentCheckoutStep(); 
// Returns: 'address' | 'delivery' | 'payment' | 'review'

// Get active payment session in checkout
const paymentSession = useActivePaymentSession();

// Check if user is logged in
const isLoggedIn = useLoggedIn();

// Get formatted list of countries for current region
const countries = useCountries();
// Returns: Array<{ label: string, value: string }>

Read the detailed documentation in the official repo of Medusa Mobile

Next Steps

Your Medusa mobile app is now running! Here’s what to do next:

Customize Your App

Production Release

Follow React Native’s Release Guide for Android and iOS

Publishing to Google Play Store

Publishing to iOS App Store

Wrapping up

Start building your mobile commerce experience with React Native and Medusa today! Check out the GitHub repository of Medusa Mobile for the complete source code.

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