How to send a PDF to multiple contacts/groups using WhatsApp API

I made a video explaining how to do Whatsapp automation using Javascript. Someone has asked this question about how to send a PDF to multiple contacts or groups using whatsapp-web.js in the comments of that video. Let’s find out!

send pdf using whatsapp API

Here’s the example source code to send a PDF to multiple contacts or groups using WhatsApp API

Important: If you abuse this API and send bulk messages to bulk contacts as spam then you might get banned by WhatsApp so be careful when you send any kind of bulk messages.

If you run this code then a PDF named “sample.pdf” from the project folder will be sent to the list of chats defined in the myChats array. Modify the myChats array and PDF attachment name and path as per your requirement.

const { Client, LocalAuth, MessageMedia } = require("whatsapp-web.js");
const qrcode = require("qrcode-terminal");

const myChats = ["Contact1", "Contact2", "Group1"]; // Add a list of contact names or group names here

const client = new Client({
  authStrategy: new LocalAuth(),

client.on("qr", (qr) => {
  qrcode.generate(qr, { small: true });

client.on("ready", () => {
  console.log("Client is ready!");
  client.getChats().then((chats) => {
    myChats.forEach((chatName) => {
      const myChat = chats.find((chat) => === chatName);
        const attachmentPdf = MessageMedia.fromFilePath("./sample.pdf");
        client.sendMessage(, attachmentPdf); 
      else {
        console.log(`Chat ${chatName} not found`);


Ranjith kumar
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2 years ago

i tried the code by modifying contacts and pdf but getting error index.js:53 refrence error chant not defined

2 years ago
Reply to  Ranjith kumar

please find attached code
this time it run but again some more errors popup whose screen shot is attached
can you please guide what wrong i would ne doing ?


const { Client, LocalAuth, MessageMedia } = require("whatsapp-web.js");
const qrcode = require("qrcode-terminal");
const myChats = ["ICE SHIVKAILASH KUVARBHAN GARG", "+91 9822610809"]; // Add a list of contact names or group names here
const client = new Client({
  authStrategy: new LocalAuth(),
client.on("qr", (qr) => {
  qrcode.generate(qr, { small: true });
client.on("ready", () => {
  console.log("Client is ready!");
  client.getChats().then((chats) => {
    myChats.forEach((chatName) => {
      const myChat = chats.find((chat) => === chatName);
        const attachmentPdf = MessageMedia.fromFilePath("./san.pdf");
        client.sendMessage(, attachmentPdf); 
      else {
        console.log(Chat ${chatName} not found);

2 years ago

Awesome tutorial! im having a problem, the person who receives the file cant open, just open in some devices, the error inside their whatsapp app says “‘You may not have a proper app for viewing this content

Damian Romero
Damian Romero
2 years ago

Hola! Podrias pasarme un ejemplo con el codigo completo? No logro hacerlo funcionar me da errores. Es posible adjuntar un archivo que esta en la unidad c:\ejemplo.pdf ? Gracias!!!

1 year ago

Can U Help Me In Send Pdf In WhatsApp For My Client

Shrihari S K
Shrihari S K
1 year ago

Can we automate sending pdf to whatsapp groups via this approach or is it limited to only individuals?